

Reprints of economic classics

データ種別 図書
出版者 Clifton, N.J. ; New York : A.M. Kelley
書誌ID LT00534788


1 Some aspects of the tariff question : an examination of the development of American industries under protection / by Frank W. Taussig 3rd ed., continued to 1930 / with the cooperation of Harry D. White. - Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
2 The budget, on commercial and colonial policy : with an introduction in which the deductive method as presented in Mr. Mill's system of logic is applied to the solution of some controverted questions in political economy / by Robert Torrens New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
3 The Muscovy merchants of 1555 / by T.S. Willan Clifton, [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1973
4 Essai sur la nature du commerce en général / by Richard Cantillon ; edited with an English translation and other material by Henry Higgs New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
5 The Petty-Southwell correspondence, 1676-1687 / edited from the Bowood papers by the Marquis of Lansdowne New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
6 Thoughts on man : his nature, productions and discoveries / by William Godwin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
7 The protectionist case in the 1840's / by Derek Walker-Smith ; with a preface by Harold Macmillan New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
8 The theory of the balance of trade in England : a study in mercantilism / by Br. Suviranta New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
9 A history of the English railway : its social relations & revelations, 1820-1845 : Vol. 1-2 / by John Francis v. 1-2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
10 The Petty papers : some unpublished writings of Sir William Petty / edited from the Bowood papers by the Marquis of Lansdowne New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
11 Railway economy : a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospects & relations ... / by Dionysius Lardner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
12 State papers and speeches on the tariff / with an introduction by F.W. Taussig Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
13 Historical account of the navigable rivers, canals, and railways, throughout Great Britain / by Joseph Priestley 2nd ed. / with an introductory note on the compiler by W.H. Chaloner. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
14 A hundred years of inland transport, 1830-1933 / C.E.R. Sherrington New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
15 The organization of the English customs system, 1696-1786 / by Elizabeth Evelynola Hoon ; with a new introduction by Rupert C. Jarvis New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
16 A plan of the English commerce being a compleat prospect of the : being a compleat prospect of the trade of this nation, as well the home trade as the foreign / Daniel Defoe 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
17 The maintenance of free trade / by Gerard de Malynes New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
18 The center of the circle of commerce : or, A refutation of a treatise, intituled The circle of commerce, or The ballance of trade, lately published by E.M. / by Gerald Malynes Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
19 The early history of the Levant Company / by M. Epstein New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
20 The complete English tradesman, in familiar letters, directing him in all the several parts and progressions of trade. Vol. 1-2 / Daniel Defoe v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
21 Tariffs : a study in method / by T.E.G. Gregory New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
22 The American struggle for the British West India carrying trade, 1815-1830 / by F. Lee Benns Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1972
23 International trade : an application of economic theory / by John A. Hobson London : F. Cass , 1966
24 Lectures on the restrictive system delivered to the senior political class of William and Mary College / by Thomas R. Dew New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
25 The riddle of the tariff / by A.M. Pigou Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1975
26 The tariff problem / by Sir William Ashley 4th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
27 The theory of investment value / by John Burr Williams New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
28 Propositions concerning protection & free trade / Willard Phillips New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
29 Trade in the eastern seas, 1793-1813 / C. Northcote Parkinson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
30 The commercial crisis, 1847-1848 : being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic & the French Revolution / by D. Morier Evans 2nd ed., rev. and enl. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
31 The holding company : its public significance and its regulation / by James C. Bonbright and Gardiner C. Means New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
32 History of labour in the United States, 1896-1932. Vol. 1-4 / by John R. Commons ... [et al.] ; with an introductory note by Henry W. Farnam v. 1 - v. 4. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
33 The masquerade of monopoly / by Frank A. Fetter New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
34 Good and bad trade : an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations / by R.G. Hawtrey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
35 Overproduction and crises / by Johann Karl Rodbertus ; [translated by Julia Franklin] ; with an introduction by John Bates Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
36 Industrial depressions / Carroll D. Wright New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
37 The theory of international prices : history, criticism and restatement / James W. Angell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
38 Capital imports and the American balance of payments, 1934-39 : a study in abnormal international capital transfers / by Arthur I. Bloomfield New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
39 The landed interest and the supply of food / James Caird ; with a new introduction by G.E. Mingay 5th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
40 Principles of labor legislation / by John R. Commons and John B. Andrews 4th rev. ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
41 The organization of industry, explained in a course of lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge in Easter term 1844 / by T.C. Banfield 2nd ed. - Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
42 The autobiography of Arthur Young / edited by M. Betham-Edwards New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
43 Wages in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century : notes for the use of students of social and economic questions / by Arthur L. Bowley Clifton, [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1972
44 The financial economy of the United States illustrated : and some of the causes which retard the progress of California demonstrated / by John A. Ferris New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
45 The credit system in France, Great Britain, and the United States / by Henry C. Carey Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1974
46 Passages from the life of a philosopher / by Charles Babbage New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
47 Modern production among backward peoples / by I.C. Greaves New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
48 On wages and combination / by Robert Torrens New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
49 An enquiry into the principles of taxation : chiefly applicable to articles of immediate consumption / Andrew Hamilton Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1975
50 General report on enclosures / Arthur Young ; drawn up by order of the Board of Agriculture ; with an introduction by Sir John Sinclair New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
51 Political arithmetic : containing observations on the present state of Great Britain, and the principles of her policy in the encouragement of agriculture / by Arthur Young ; to which is added A memoir on the corn trade by Thomas Pownall New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
52 Pauperism : its causes and remedies / by Henry Fawcett Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1975
53 Money / by Francis Amasa Walker New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
54 A history of the Scotch poor law / by Sir George Nicholls New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
55 Select statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-1928. Vol. 1-2 / selected and with an introduction by T.E. Gregory v. 1,v. 2. - London : F. Cass , 1964
56 The Impact of the union : eight economic theorists evaluate the labor union movement / John Maurice Clark ... [et al.] ; edited by David McCord Wright New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
57 A six months tour through the North of England. Vol. 1-4 / by Arthur Young v. 1 - v. 4. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
58 Days at the factories / George Dodd New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
59 Wage determination under trade unions / John T. Dunlop New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
60 Agriculture and the trade cycle : their mutual relations : with special reference to the period 1926-1931 / by John H. Kirk Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
61 A history of the Irish poor law / by Sir George Nicholls New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
62 English land and English landlords : an enquiry into the origin & character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform / by George C. Brodrick New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
63 English agriculture in 1850-51 / James Caird 2nd ed. / with a new introduction by G.E. Mingay. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
64 Agenda for progressive taxation / by William Vickrey Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1972
65 Europe : the world's banker, 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the War / by Herbert Feis ; with an introduction by Charles P. Howland ; and with a new introduction by the author Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1964
66 Commercial crises of the nineteenth century / by H.M. Hyndman ; with a new preface by John A. Hobson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
67 Land systems and industrial economy of Ireland, England & continental countries / by T.E. Cliffe Leslie New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
68 Forecasting the yield and the price of cotton / Henry Ludwell Moore New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
69 Secular movements in production and prices : their nature and their bearing upon cyclical fluctuations / by Simon S. Kuznets New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
70 The higher learning in America : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men / by Thorstein Veblen New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
71 The economic basis of public interest / Rexford G. Tugwell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
72 Finance and politics : an historical study, 1783-1885. Vol. 1-2 / Sydney Buxton v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
73 English taxation, 1640-1799 : an essay on policy and opinion / William Kennedy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
74 Laws of wages : an essay in statistical economics / by Henry Ludwell Moore New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
75 The skilled labourer, 1760-1832 / by J.L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
76 Documents relative to the manufactures in the United States. Vol. 1-2 / Louis McLane v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
77 Dividends to pay / E.D. Kennedy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
78 A history of the English poor law. Vol. 1-3 / by Sir George Nicholls v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Rev. ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
79 Monetary theory and the trade cycle / by Friedrich A. Hayek ; translated from the German by N. Kaldor and H.M. Croome New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
80 Co-operative production / by Benjamin Jones New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
81 Money, credit & commerce / by Alfred Marshall New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
82 International short-term capital movements / by Charles Poor Kindleberger New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
83 The universal dictionary of trade and commerce. Vol. 1-2 / by Malachy Postlethwayt v. 1,v. 2. - 4th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
84 The making and using of index numbers / by Wesley C. Mitchell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
85 The Domesday of crown lands : a study of the legislation, surveys, and sales of royal estates under the Commonwealth / Sidney J. Madge New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
86 Economy of the labouring classes / by William Lucas Sargant New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
87 Monetary theory before Adam Smith / by Arthur Eli Monroe New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
88 The ways and means of payment / by Stephen Colwell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
89 A brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States / by Clement Juglar 3rd. ed. - New York, : A.M. Kelley , 1966
90 An essay on the best means of providing employment for the people / by Samuel Crumpe 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
91 The general strike, May 1926 : its origin & history / prepared by R. Page Arnot New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
92 The English capital market / by F. Lavington New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
93 A history of coal mining in Great Britain / by Robert L. Galloway New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
94 The American whaleman : a study of life and labor in the whaling industry / by Elmo P. Hohman Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
95 An analysis of the occupations of the people : showing the relative importance of the agricultural, manufacturing, shipping, colonial, commercial & mining interests of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its dependencies / by Frederick W. Spackman [i.e. William Frederick Spackman] New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
96 The behavior of money : exploratory studies / by James W. Angell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
97 British industry, 1700-1950 / by Walther G. Hoffmann ; translated by W.O. Henderson, W.H. Chaloner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
98 Britain's commercial interest explained and improved : in a series of dissertations on several important branches of her trade and police. Vol. 1-2 / by Malachy Postlethwayt v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
99 Capital & finance in the age of the Renaissance : a study of the Fuggers and their connections / by Richard Ehrenberg ; translated from the German by H.M. Lucas New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
100 The trade cycle : an essay / by R.F. Harrod New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
101 The case of labourers in husbandry stated and considered : with an appendix containing a collection of accounts shewing the earnings and expenses of labouring families in different parts of the Kingdom / by David Davies Fairfield : A.M. Kelley , 1977
102 Aspects of the theory of international capital movements / by Carl Iversen New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
103 Cotton is king : or The culture of cotton and its relation to agriculture, manufacturers, and commerce ... / by David Christy 2nd ed., rev. and enl. - Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1975
104 The English peasantry and the enclosure of common fields / by Gilbert Slater New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
105 An early experiment in industrial organisation : being a history of the firm of Boulton & Watt, 1775-1805 / by Sir Eric Roll ; with an introduction by J.G. Smith New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
106 Dumping : a problem in international trade / by Jacob Viner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
107 Land tenure and unemployment / by Frank Geary ; preface by A.S. Comyns Carr New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
108 An essay on the external corn trade : with an appendix on the means of improving the condition of the labouring classes / by Robert Torrens Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
109 An examination into the principles of currency : involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844 / by John E. Cairnes New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
110 Fairs, past & present : a chapter in the history of commerce / by Cornelius Walford New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
111 Felkin's History of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures Centenary ed. / introduced by an essay on the life and work of William Felkin by Stanley D. Chapman ; comprehensive index comp. by Sheila M. Uppadine. - New York : A.M. Kelly , 1967
112 Generating economic cycles / Henry Ludwell Moore New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
113 Great Britain's true system / Malachy Postlethwayt New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
114 The great unwashed / by The journeyman engineer New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
115 National evils and practical remedies : with the plan of a model town / by James Silk Buckingham Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
116 A hillside view of industrial history : a study of industrial evolution in the Pennine Highlands with some local records / by Abm. Newell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
117 An historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, from the earliest accounts : containing an history of the great commercial interests of the British Empire. Vol. 1-4 / by Adam Anderson ; with an introduction, An 18th century guide-book for economic policy, by Joseph Dorfman v. 1 - v. 4. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
118 History of crises under the national banking system / O.M.W. Sprague New York : A.M. Kelley , 1977
119 A history of currency in the United States / by A. Barton Hepburn Rev. ed., with new chapters on the monetary and financial developments in the United States from 1914 to 1922 and a preface by Mrs. Hepburn on the author's relation to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
120 A history of English philanthropy, from the dissolution of the monasteries to the taking of the first census / by Benjamin Kirkman Gray New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
121 The State in relation to labour / by W. Stanley Jevons 4th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
122 History of the middle & working classes / by John Wade New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
123 The history of the twelve great livery companies of London : principally compiled from their grants & records, with an historical essay and accounts of each company ... including notices & illustrations of metropolitan trade and commerce. Vol. 1-2 / William Herbert v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
124 A history of trade unionism in the United States / by Selig Perlman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1950
125 The history of wool & wool combing / by James Burnley New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
126 The age of the Chartists, 1832-1854 : a study of discontent / by J.L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
127 Industrial democracy / by Sidney & Beatrice Webb New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
128 Industrial Remuneration Conference, 1885 : the report of proceedings and papers / with an introduction, The background to the Industrial Remuneration Conference of 1885, by John Saville New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
129 The influence and development of English gilds : as illustrated by the history of the craft gilds of Shrewsbury, 1891 / by Francis Aidan Hibbert New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
130 Labour rewarded : the claims of labour and capital conciliated, or, How to secure to labour the whole product of its exertion / by one of the idle classes (William Thompson) New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
131 The laboring classes of England, especially those concerned in agriculture and manufactures / in a series of letters by an Englishman, also, A voice from the factories, a poem, in serious verse Fairfield, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1976
132 Progress of the working class, 1832-1867 / by J.M. Ludlow, Lloyd Jones Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
133 Narrative of the condition of the manufacturing population : and the proceedings of government which lead [sic] to the state trials in Scotland / by Alexander B. Richmond New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
134 Our new masters / Thomas Wright New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
135 Some habits and customs of the working classes / by A journeyman engineer New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
136 International trade / by F.W. Taussig New York : A.M. Kelly , 1966
137 Investigations in currency & finance / by W. Stanley Jevons ; edited, with an introduction by H.S. Foxwell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
138 Working life of women in the seventeenth century / Alice Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
139 Real wages in the United States, 1890-1926 / Paul H. Douglas New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
140 Some problems of wages and their regulation in Great Britain since 1918 / Alan G.B. Fisher New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
141 Joint stock banking in Germany : a study of the German credit banks before and after the War / P. Barrett Whale New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
142 The town labourer, 1760-1832 : the new civilisation / by J.L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
143 Labor and other capital : the rights of each secured and the wrongs of both eradicated / by Edward Kellogg ; with an introductory essay "Edward Kellogg Father of greenbackism" by Joseph Dorfman ; and the addition of The true greenback, by Alexander Campbell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
144 The poor man's friend, or, Essays on the rights and duties of the poor / by William Cobbett Fairfield, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1977
145 The Minority report of the Poor Law Commission. Pt. 1-2 / edited with an introduction by Sidney and Beatrice Webb pt. 1-2. - Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1974
146 The Lancashire cotton industy : a study in economic development / by Sydney John Chapman Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
147 Middlemen in English business : particularly between 1660 and 1760 / by Ray Bert Westerfield New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
148 Money and monetary policy in early times / A.R. Burns New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
149 Moral views of commerce, society and politics : in twelve discourses / by Orville Dewey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
150 A neglected point in connection with crises / by N. Johannsen New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
151 The fiscal history of Texas : embracing an account of its revenues, debts & currency from the commencement of the revolution in 1834 to 1851-1852, with remarks on American debts / by William M. Gouge New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
152 Other people's money and how the bankers use it / by Louis D. Brandeis New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
153 Origin of the new system of manufacture commonly called power-loom weaving : fully explained in a narrative containing William Radcliffe's struggles through life / written by himself Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelly , 1974
154 A plea for peasant proprietors : with the outlines of a plan for their establishment in Ireland / by William Thomas Thornton New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
155 The purchasing power of money : its determination and relation to credit, interest and crises / by Irving Fisher ; assisted by Harry G. Brown New & rev. ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
156 Select tracts and documents illustrative of English monetary history 1626-1730 / by Wm.A. Shaw New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
157 The tariff history of the United States / by F.W. Taussig 8th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
158 A comparative view of the various institutions for the assurance of lives / by Charles Babbage New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
159 The theory of money and banks investigated / by George Tucker ; with the article "National debts" and an introductory essay "George Tucker and economic growth" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
160 A home tour through the manufacturing districts of England in the summer of 1835 / Sir George Head 2nd ed. / with a new introduction by W.H. Chalone. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
161 Theories of the trade cycle / by Alec L. Macfie New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
162 Turning points in business cycles / Leonard P. Ayres New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
163 The Wiltshire woollen industry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / by G.D. Ramsay 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
164 Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance, and banking, from 1789 to 1896 / compiled by Charles F. Dunbar Rev. ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
165 Economic cycles : their law and cause / by Henry Ludwell Moore New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
166 The industries of Scotland : their rise, progress, and present condition / David Bremner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
167 Notes of a tour in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire / W. Cooke Taylor 3rd ed. / with a new introduction by W.H. Chaloner. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
168 The mines of Mendip / J.W. Gough Rev. ed. / with new preface by the author. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
169 Money and value : an inquiry into the means and ends of economic production / by Rowland Hamilton New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
170 Gold, prices & wages : with an examination of the quantity theory / by John A. Hobson Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
171 The paper pound of 1797-1821 : the bullion report, 8th June 1810 / edited with an introdution by Edwin Cannan New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
172 A history of American currency : with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money / by William Graham Sumner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
173 Science : the false messiah ; & Holier than thou : the way of the righteous / Clarence E. Ayres Clifton, [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , [1973]
174 Cornwall : its mines and miners / J.R. Leifchild New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
175 Essays in taxation / by Edwin R.A. Seligman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
176 The shifting and incidence of taxation / by Edwin R.A. Seligman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
177 The position of the laborer in a system of nationalism : a study in the labor theories of the later English mercantilists / Edgar S. Furniss New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
178 Labor and administration / by John R. Commons New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
179 Life and labour of the people in London. 1st series: Poverty. Vol. 1-5 / by Charles Booth v. 1 - v. 5. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
180 A theory of the labor movement / by Selig Perlman Ne York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
181 Monetary equilibrium / by Gunnar Myrdal New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
182 Risk, uncertainty and profit / by Frank H. Knight New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
183 Mathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences / by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
184 The theory of the leisure class / by Thorstein Veblen ; with the addition of a review by William Dean Howell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
185 Toynbee's Industrial Revolution / by Arnold Toynbee ; with a new introduction by T.S. Ashton New York : A.M. Kelley , c1969
186 View of the progress of political economy in Europe since the sixteenth century : a course of lectures / by Travers Twiss Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
187 A history of the English corn laws from 1660-1846 / Donald Grove Barnes New York : A.M. Kelley , 1961
188 The distribution of wealth / by John R. Commons ; with an introductory essay "The foundations of commons' economics" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
189 Business : a profession / by Louis Dembitz Brandeis New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
190 Industrial evolution / by N.S.B. Gras New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
191 An inquiry into the nature of value and of capital, and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit / by Alexander B. Johnson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
192 New ideas on population : with remarks on the theories of Malthus and Godwin / by Alexander H. Everett New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
193 Economic annals of the nineteenth century. Vol. 1-2 / by William Smart v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
194 Commerce and industry : a historical review of the economic conditions of the British Empire form the peace of Paris in 1815 to the declaration of War in 1914, based on parliamentary debates. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Page ; with a preface by Sir William Ashley v. 1-2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
195 An essay on the distribution of wealth / by George Ramsay Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1974
196 History and criticism of the labor theory of value in English political economy / by Albert C. Whitaker New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
197 Business and capitalism : an introduction to business history / by Norman Scott Brien Gras New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
198 Problems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor / by John A. Hobson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
199 Essay on the rate of wages / by Henry C. Carey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
200 An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain / by George Chalmers A new ed. corrected and improved. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
201 An examination of Dr. Price's Essay on the population of England & Wales, and the doctrine of an increased population in this Kingdom / established by facts by John Howlett New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
202 A few doubts as to the correctness of some opinions generally entertained on the subjects of population and political economy / by Piercy Ravenstone ; with an introductory essay, Piercy Ravenstone and his radical Tory treatise by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
203 Illustrations and proofs of the principle of population / by Francis Place New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
204 An inquiry concerning the population of nations : containing a refutation of Mr. Malthus's Essay on population / by George Ensor New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
205 The laws of wages, profits & rent / investigated by George Tucker New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
206 Of population : an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind, being an answer to Mr. Malthus's Essay on that subject / by William Godwin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
207 The principles of population and production : as they are affected by the progress of society with a view to moral and political consequences / by John Weyland New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
208 Thoughts on the study of political economy, as connected with the population, industry, and paper currency of the United States / by Laommi Baldwin, (1809) ; to which is added an appendix: Drydocks, consisting of a series of articles first published in the Columbian centinel, 1804 New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
209 A treatise on the circumstances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes / by J.R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
210 The true law of population : shewn as connected with the food of the people / by Thomas Doubleday New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
211 The distribution of wealth : a theory of wages, interest and profits / John Bates Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
212 The history of the survey of Ireland : commonly called the Down survey, A.D. 1655-1656 / by William Petty New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
213 The wages question : a treatise on wages and the wages class / by Francis Amasa Walker New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
214 An inquiry into the principles of the distribution of wealth : most conducive to human happiness / by William Thompson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
215 Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland / by James Anderson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
216 The fifth report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company, 28th July, 1812. Vol. 1-3 / edited with notes and introduction by Walter Kelly Firminger v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
217 The growth of English industry and commerce. Vol. 1-2 / by W. Cunningham v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
218 Aspects of the rise of economic individualism : a criticism of Max Weber and his school / by H.M. Robertson Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1966
219 Institutional revenue : a study of the influence of social institutions on the distribution of wealth / by H.D. Dickinson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
220 Survey of economic theory on technological change & employment / Alexander Gourvitch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
221 Natural value / by Friedrich von Wieser ; edited with a preface and analysis by William Smart New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
222 Veblen / by J.A. Hobson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
223 An essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness / by Thomas Robert Malthus 7th ed. - Fairfield, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1971
224 The theory of wages : with a new foreword and the article: Are there laws of production? / by Paul H. Douglas New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
225 The theory of business enterprise / Thorstein Veblen ; with a prefatory note by Josef Dorfman ; a review by James Hayden Tufts Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1965
226 Methods of social reform / by W. Stanley Jevons New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
227 Church and manor : a study in English economic history / by Sidney Oldall Addy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
228 Competition among the few : oligopoly and similar market structures / William Fellner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
229 The factory system illustrated in a series of letters to the Right Hon. Lord Ashley / by William Dodd New ed. / with an introduction by W.H. Chaloner. - New York : A.M. Kelly , 1968
230 The principles of economics : a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society and other papers / by W. Stanley Jevons ; with a preface by Henry Higgs New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
231 Market and prices : theory of consumption, market and market prices / by Wladimir S. Woytinsky ; translated from Russian by Emma S. Woytinsky New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
232 Researches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealth / by Augustin Cournot ; translated by Nathaniel T. Bacon ; with an essay "Cournot and mathematical economics" and a "Bibliography of mathematical economics" by Irving Fisher New York : A.M. Kelley , 1960
233 An introduction to the theory of value : on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Böhm-Bawerk / by William Smart New York : A.M. Kelly , 1966
234 A reply to the 'Essay on population' by the Rev. T.R. Malthus, in a series of letters : to which are added extracts from the 'Essay' with notes / by William Hazlitt New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
235 A view of the United States of America : in a series of papers written at various times, in the years between 1787 and 1794 / by Tench Coxe New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
236 The costs of the World War to the American people / by John Maurice Clark ; with an introductory essay by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
237 Mathematical investigations in the theory of value and price (1892) ; Appreciation and interest (1896) / by Irving Fisher New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
238 Labor defended against the claims of capital, or, The unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst jounneymen / by Thomas Hodgskin ; with an introduction by G.D.H. Cole New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
239 Colonization, particularly in Southern Australia : with some remarks on small farms and overpopulation / by Charles James Napier New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
240 A discourse upon usury / by Thomas Wilson ; with an historical introduction by R.H. Tawney New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
241 Economic developments in Victorian Scotland / by W.H. Marwick Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1973
242 The ending of hereditary : American fortunes / Gustavus Myers New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
243 Facts and factors in economic history / articles by former students of Edwin Francis Gay New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
244 The growth of capital / Robert Giffen New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
245 The growth of large fortunes : a study of economic causes affecting the acquisition and distribution of property / G.P. Watkins New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
246 Progress of the United States in population & wealth in fifty years : with an appendix, containing an abstract of the census of 1850 / George Tucker New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
247 A history of the economic institutions of modern Europe : an introduction to Der moderne Kapitalismus of Werner Sombart / by Frederick L. Nussbaum New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
248 The nature of capital and income / by Irving Fisher New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
249 Key economic areas in Chinese history : as revealed in the development of public works for water-control / by Ch'ao-ting Chi New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
250 Life of Friedrich List and selections from his writings / Margaret Hirst ; with an introduction by Joseph Dorfman & the addition of letter 12 to Outlines of American poritical economy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
251 Mathematical investigation of the effect of machinery on the wealth of a community in which it is employed and on the fund for the payment of wages [1838] on the effect of the non-residence of landlords on the wealth of community : two papers from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society / John Edward Tozer ; edited and with an introduction by David A. Collard New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
252 The mercantile system and its historical significance, 1884 / Gustav Schmoller New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
253 The present state of England in regard to agriculture, trade, and finance / by Joseph Lowe New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
254 Primitive trade : its psychology and economics / by Elizabeth Ellis Hoyt New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
255 The progress of the nation / by G.R. Porter, ; revised by F.W. Hirst New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
256 Public and private economy / by Theodore Sedgwick ; with an introduction "Theodore Sedgwick: from Federalism to Jacksonianism", by Joseph Dorfman Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1974
257 Public economy for the United States / by Calvin Colton ; with an introduction by Michael Hudson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
258 Resources of the United Kingdom, or, The present distresses considered : their causes and remedies pointed out, and an outline of a plan for the establishment of a national currency that would have a fixed money value proposed / by W.R.A. Pettman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
259 The Schumpeterian system / by Richard V. Clemence and Francis S. Doody New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
260 Selections from the economic history of the United States, 1765-1860 : with introductory essays / Guy Stevens Callender New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
261 Three letters to the Duke of Wellington / by the Earl of Lauderdale New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
262 The philosophy of wealth : economic principles newly formulated / by John Bates Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
263 What Veblen taught : selected writings of Thorstein Veblen / edited with an introduction by Wesley C. Mitchell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
264 The national system of political economy / by Friedrich List ; [translated from the original German by Sampson S. Lloyd] New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
265 An introduction to English economic history and theory / by William Ashley New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
266 The economic theory of the leisure class / by Nikolai Bukharin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
267 Income revisited : being a sequel to Income: an introduction to economics / by A.C. Pigou New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
268 Protective and preferential import duties / A.C. Pigou New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
269 The national income, 1924-1931 / Colin Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
270 Economic stabilization in an unbalanced world / by Alvin H. Hansen New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
271 Economics of planning public works / by John Maurice Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
272 Lectures on colonization and colonies / by Herman Merivale New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
273 Capital and steam-power, 1750-1800 / John Lord ; with a bibliographical introduction by W.H. Chaloner 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
274 The principles of political economy / by John R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
275 Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy / by John Stuart Mill Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1968
276 Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. Vol. 1-2 / by James Mill v. 1,v. 2. - 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
277 An essay of the impolicy of a bounty on the exportation of grain / by James Mill New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
278 Essays on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, and law of nations / by James Mill New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
279 The economic mind in American civilization, 1606-1865. Vol. 1-2 / by Joseph Dorfman v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
280 A critical dissertation on the nature, measure [i.e. measures] and causes of value ... / by Samuel Bailey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
281 John Stuart Mill : a criticism with personal recollections / by Alexander Bain New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
282 Jeremy Bentham : his life and work / by Charles Milner Atkinson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
283 Surveys, historic and economic / by W.J. Ashley New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
284 The First International in America / by Samuel Bernstein New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
285 Economica : a statistical manual for the United States of America / Samuel Blodget New York : A.M. Kelly , 1964
286 The past, the present, & the future / Henry C. Carey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
287 Principles of social science. Vol. 1-3 / by Henry C. Carey v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
288 Preface to social economics : essays on economic theory and social problems / by John Maurice Clark New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
289 The history of ten years, 1830-1840. Vol. 1-2 / Louis Blanc v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
290 Travels in the north of Germany : describing the present state of the social and political institutions, the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, education, arts and manners in that country, particularly in the Kingdom of Hanover. Vol. 1-2 / Thomas Hodgskin v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
291 Political economy and politics / Thomas De Quincey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
292 Essays on general politics, commerce, and political economy : being volume II, part II, of the works of Benjamin Franklin / edited by Jared Sparks ; with notes by Willard Phillips ; and with the addition of an introductory essay, "Benjamin Franklin, economic statesman," by Joseph Dolfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
293 History of the Chartist movement, 1837-1854 / by R.G. Gammage ; with an introduction by John Saville New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
294 Social destiny of man, or, Association and reorganization of industory / by Albert Brisbane New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
295 Lectures on the elements of political economy / by Thomas Cooper New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
296 Free trade and other fundamental doctrines of the Manchester school / edited by Francis W. Hirst New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
297 The idea of value / John Laird New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
298 A description of the country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester / by John Aiken [sic] New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
299 On political economy, in connexion with the moral state & moral prospects of society / by Thomas Chalmers New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
300 A lecture on human happiness : being the first of a series of lectures on that subject in which will be comprehended a general review of the causes of the existing evils of society / by John Gray New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
301 The social system : a treatise on the principle of exchange / by John Gray Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1973
302 Outlines of a system of political economy : written with a view to prove to government and country that the cause of the present agricultural distress is entirely artificial and to suggest a plan for the management of the currency : together with the fourth edition of An essay on the principles of banking / by Thomas Joplin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
303 Political economy for the people / by George Tucker New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
304 Essays in political economy / by Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
305 The growth of the manor / by Paul Vinogradoff New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
306 Outlines of political economy / [John Ramsay McCulloch ; edited] by John McVickar ; with an introductory essay, "On the naturalization of Ricardian economics in the United States" by Joseph Dorfman ; with notes on McVickar's Outlines by James A. Kent, and the addition of McVickar's pamphlet, Hints on banking in a letter to a gentleman in Albany by a New Yorker, 1827 New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
307 Capital and population : a study of the economic effects of their relations to each other / by Frederick B. Hawley Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
308 Discussions in economics and statistics. Vol. 1-2 / by Francis Amasa Walker ; edited by Davis R. Dewey ; with an introduction by Joseph Dorfm v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
309 An essay on the production of wealth / by Robert Torrens ; with an introductory essay "Robert Torrens and American economic thought" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
310 Political and social economy : its practical applications / by John Hill Burton ; with an introductory essay "John Hill Burton and popular economic thought in the age of John Stuart Mill" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
311 Letters to Mr. Malthus on several subjects of political economy and on the cause of the stagnation of commerce : to which is added A catechism of political economy, or, Familiar conversations on the manner in which wealth is produced, distributed, and consumed in society / Jean-Baptiste Say ; translated by John Richter New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
312 Literary remains consisting of lectures & tracts on political economy / by Richard Jones New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
313 Political essays / by John E. Cairnes New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
314 A treatise on political economy : to which is prefixed a supplement to a preceding work on the understanding, or, Elements of ideology / by the Count Destutt Tracy ; translation edited by Thomas Jefferson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
315 An essay on the distribution of wealth and on the sources of taxation / by Richard Jones New York : A.M. Kelly , 1964
316 Principles of political economy. Vol. 1-3 / Henry C. Carey v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
317 The slave trade : domestic & foreign : why it exists & how it may be extinguished / by Henry C. Carey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
318 The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income / by John A. Hobson ; with an introduction by Arthur Loeb Bekenstein New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
319 Thorstein Veblen and his America : with new appendices / Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1961
320 Natural elements of political economy / by Richard Jennings New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
321 Principles of political economy : with some of their applications to social philosophy / by John Stuart Mill ; edited with an introduction by W.J. Ashley New York : A.M. Kelley , 1961
322 The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons ; with preface and notes and an extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons 5th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
323 Anticipations, uncertainty, and dynamic planning / Albert Gailord Hart New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
324 Commerce defended / by James Mill New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
325 Definitions in political economy / by T.R. Malthus New York : Kelley & Millman , 1954
326 Remarks on some fundamental questions in political economy : illustrated by a brief inquiry into the commercial state of Britain since the year 1815 / by John Craig New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
327 Principles of political economy : considered with a view to their practical application / by Thomas R. Malthus ; with an introduction by Morton Paglin 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
328 The premises of political economy : being a re-examination of certain fundamental principles of economic science / Simon N. Patten New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
329 An inquiry into the principles of national wealth : illustrated by the political economy of the British Empire / by John Rooke New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
330 Principles of political economy : deduced from the natural laws of social welfare and applied to the present state of Britain / by G. Poulett Scrope New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
331 Palgrave's Dictionary of political economy. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Henry Higgs v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
332 The natural and artificial right of property contrasted / Thomas Hodgskin Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1973
333 A treatise on political economy, or, The production, distribution and consumption of wealth / by Jean-Baptiste Say New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
334 New York in the Confederation : an economic study / by Thomas C. Cochran Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
335 The autobiography of Samuel Bamford. Vol. 1-2 / edited and with an introduction by W.H. Chaloner v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
336 The life of Robert Owen. Vol. 1-1A / written by himself, with selections from his writings & correspondence v. 1,v. 1A. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
337 Labour's wrongs and labour's remedy, or, The age of might and the age of right / by John F. Bray New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
338 Essays in economics / by Edwin R.A. Seligman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
339 The effects of civilization on the people in European states / by Charles Hall ; with observations on the principal conclusion in Mr. Malthus's essay on population New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
340 A Select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on commerce / edited with a preface, notes and index by John R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
341 David Ricardo : a centenary estimate / by Jacob H. Hollander New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
342 Scottish economic literature to 1800 : a list of authorities / prepared by William R. Scott New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
343 The economic organization : with an article: Notes on cost and utility / by Frank H. Knight New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
344 A practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils / by Abraham Gesner 2nd ed. rev. and enl. / by George W. Gesner. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
345 A key to Ricardo / Oswald St. Clair New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
346 Opinions on various subjects : dedicated to the industrious producers. Vol. 1-3 / William MacLure v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
347 A Select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on money / edited with a preface, notes and index by John R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
348 An essay on mediæval economic teaching / by George O'Brien New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
349 A Select collection of scarce and valuable economical tracts / edited by J.R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
350 History of political economy in Europe / by Jerome Adolphe Blanqui New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
351 The character and logical method of political economy / John E. Cairnes New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
352 Six lectures on political economy / by William Whewell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
353 Political economy / by J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
354 The unreformed House of Commons : parliamentary representation before 1832. Vol. 1-2 / by Edward Porritt v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
355 Mathematical exposition of some doctrines of political economy / by William Whewell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
356 Elements of political economy / by James Mill 3rd ed., rev. and corr. - New York : A.M. Kelly , 1965
357 The clash of progress and security / Allan G.B. Fisher New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
358 The enquirer : reflections on education, manners and literature in a series of essays / by William Godwin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
359 The economic writings of Mountifort Longfield / with an introduction and bibliography by R.D. Collison Black New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
360 Elements of political economy / by Samuel Phillips Newman Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
361 An essay on the laws of trade in reference to the works of internal improvement in the United States / by Charles Ellet, Jr. New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
362 Facts, failures & frauds : revelations, financial, mercantile, criminal / by D. Morier Evans New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
363 Gabriel Bonnot de Mably / by Ernest A. Whitfield ; with an introduction by Harold J. Laski New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
364 Statement of some new principles on the subject of political economy / J. Rae New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
365 A manual of political economy : with particular reference to the institutions, resources, and condition of the United States / by Willard Phillips New York : A.M. Kelly , 1968
366 Adam Smith as student and professor / by William Robert Scott New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
367 Income, employment, and the price level : notes on lectures given at the University of Chicago, autumn, 1948 and 1949 / by Jocob Marschak ; edited and with a preface by David I. Fand and Harry Markowitz New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
368 Industrial policy and institutionalism : selected essays / by Walton Hale Hamilton ; with an introduction by Joseph Dorfman Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1974
369 Introductory lectures on political economy / by Richard Whately New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
370 Early British economics : from the XIIIth to the middle of the XVIIIth century / by M. Beer New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
371 Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms : delivered in the Univeristy of Glasgow / by Adam Smith ; reported by a student in 1763 ; edited with an introduction & notes by Edwin Cannan New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
372 Lectures on population, value, poor-laws, and rent : delivered in the University of Oxford during the years 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835 & 1836 / by William Forster Lloyd New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
373 The life and correspondence of Major Cartwright. Vol. 1-2 / edited by his niece F.D. Cartwright v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
374 Life of Adam Smith : with an introduction, "Guide to John Rae's Life of Adam Smith" / by Jacob Viner New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
375 A manual of political economy, 1814-1882 / by E. Peshine Smith New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
376 Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States / by Martin Van Buren New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
377 Methods of social study / by Sidney and Beatrice Webb New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
378 Outlines of economic theory / by Herbert Joseph Davenport New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
379 The passing of the Great Reform Bill / J.R.M. Butler New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
380 The right to the whole produce of labour : the origin and development of the theory of labour's claim to the whole product of industry / by Anton Menger ; translated by M.E. Tanner ; with an introduction and bibliography by H.S. Foxwell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1962
381 Political economy : an inquiry into the natural grounds of right to vendible property or wealth : with the addition of General statement of an argument on the subject of population / by Samuel Read Fairfield, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1976
382 Practical moral and political economy : or, The government, religion and institutions most conducive to individual happiness and to national power / by Thomas Rowe New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
383 Principles of political economy / Simon Newcomb New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
384 The progress of society / by Robert Hamilton New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
385 Proportional representation : with chapters on the initiative, the referendum, and primary elections / by John R. Commons 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
386 Synthetic economics / Henry Ludwell Moore New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
387 Thoughts on the funding system and its effects / by Piercy Ravenstone New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
388 Tracts on sundry topics of political economy / by Oliver Putnam New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
389 Two essays : Relation of the state to industrial action & Economics and jurisprudence / by Henry Carter Adams ; edited by Joseph Dorfman ; with an introductory essay and notes & with a new introduction and appendices for the 1969 reprint New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
390 A treatise on political economy / by George Opdyke ; with an introductory essay: George Opdyke and tradition of managed money by Joseph Dorfman, 1851 ; and with an appendix: Letter on national finances from George Opdyke to Hon. Roscoe Conkling, 1869 Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
391 The Kress Library of business and economics, catalogue : covering material published through 1776 with date upon cognate items in other Harvard Libraries / reprinted for Baker Library, Harvard University New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
392 Economic essays in honour of Gustav Cassel, October 20th, 1933 New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
393 Notes on political economy / by Jacob N. Cardozo New York : A.M. Kelley , 1960
394 Studies in political economy / by Anthony Musgrave New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
395 Predecessors of Adam Smith : the growth of British economic thought / by E.A.J. Johnson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1960
396 Irish economics, 1700-1783 : a bibliography with notes / [Henry R. Wagner] New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
397 Races and immigrants in America / by John R. Commons New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
398 Observations on the commerce of the American States / by John Lord Sheffield New ed., much enl. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
399 The village labourer, 1760-1832 : a study in the government of England before the Reform bill / by J.L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond New ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
400 Political economy and the philosophy of government : selections from the writings of J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
401 The early history of banking in England / R.D. Richards New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
402 An enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain (1802) : together with his evidence given before the Committees of Secrecy of the two Houses of Parliament in the Bank of England, March and April, 1797, some manuscript notes, and his speeches on the bullion report, May 1811 / by Henry Thornton ; edited with an introduction by F.A. v. Hayek New York : A.M. Kelley , 1962
403 The elements of political economy. Vol. 1-2 / by Daniel Raymond v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
404 Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England & on the paper circulation of the country : to which is added Further observations ... / by Francis Baring New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
405 A congressional history of railways in the United States / by Lewis Henry Haney New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
406 Colonial currency reprints, 1682-1751 / edited by Andrew McFarland Davis ; with an introduction on the origins of Monetary Controversy in the United States, by Joseph Dorfman v. 1 - v. 4. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
407 James Mill : a biography / by Alexander Bain New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
408 Labour defended against the claims of capital, or, The unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen / Thomas Hodgskin ; with an introduction by G.D.H. Cole New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
409 A letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith, L.L.D., F.R.S. : being an examination of several points of doctrine laid down in his Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations 1776 New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
410 The independent treasury of the United States and its relations to the banks of the country / by David Kinley New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
411 The history of banks : to which is added a demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking / Richard Hildreth New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
412 The income tax : a study of the history, theory, and practice of income taxation at home and abroad / by Edwin R.A. Seligman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
413 The trade and navigation of Great-Britain considered / by Joshua Gee New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
414 A dissertation on the numbers of mankind, in ancient and modern times / by Robert Wallace New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
415 Money and trade considered with a proposal for supplying the nation with money / John Law New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
416 The principles of free trade : illustrated in a series of short and familiar essays originally published in the Banner of the Constitution / by Condy Raguet New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
417 The works : political, metaphisical & chronological / by James Steuart v. 1 - v. 6. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
418 The ethical and economic theories of Adam Smith / by Glenn R. Morrow New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
419 The early writings of Adam Smith / edited by J. Ralph Lindgren New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
420 Observations on the subjects treated of in Dr. Smith's inquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations / by David Buchanan New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
421 The essential principles of the wealth of nations : illustrated, in opposition to some false notions of Dr. Adam Smith and others / John Gray New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
422 A Select collection of scarce and valuable tracts and other publications on the national debt and the sinking fund / edited with a preface, notes and index by John R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
423 An inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth : and into the means and causes of its increase (1804) / by the Earl of Lauderdale ; edited with an introduction and revisions appearing in the 2nd edition (1819) by Morton Paglin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
424 Adam Smith, 1776-1926 : lectures to commemorate the sesqui-centennial of the publication of "The wealth of nations" / by John Maurice Clark ... [et al.] New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
425 Biographical memoir of Adam Smith / by Dugald Stewart New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
426 Interest and prices (Geldzins und Guterpreise) : a study of the causes regulating the value of money / by Knut Wicksell ; translated by R.F. Kahm ; with an introduction by Bertil Ohli . And the article, the enigma of businesss cycles / translated by Carl G. Uhr New York : A.M. Kelley , 1962
427 Karl Marx and the close of his system / by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk . &, Böhm-Bawerk's criticism of Marx / by Rudolf Hilferding ; together with an appendix consisting of an article by Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz on the transformation of values into prices of production in the Marxian system ; edited with an introduction by Paul M. Sweezy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
428 Industry of the Rhine. Ser. 1-2 / by Thomas Charles Banfield ser. 1-2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
429 The industrial and commercial revolutions in Great Britain during the nineteenth century / by L.C.A. Knowles 4th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
430 Modern capitalism : its origin and evolution / by Henri Sée ; translated by Homer B. Vanderblue & Georges F. Doriot New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
431 The theory of value before Adam Smith / by Hannah R. Sewall New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
432 The currency of the British colonies / James Pennington New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
433 The evolution of finance capitalism / by George W. Edwards New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
434 Studies in currency 1898 / by Lord Farrer New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
435 Gold, prices & wages under the greenback standard / by Wesley C. Mitchell New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
436 A treatise on the coins of the realm in a letter to the king / by Charles Jenkinson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
437 The history of the public revenue of the British Empire / by Sir John Sinclair v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - 3rd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
438 Duncombe's free banking : an essay on banking, currency, finance, exchanges, and political economy / by Charles Duncombe New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
439 History of monetary and credit theory : from John Law to the present day / by Charles Rist ; translated by Jane Degras New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
440 The financial history of the United States / by Albert S. Bolles v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
441 Lectures on the nature and use of money / by John Gray Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
442 The state theory of money / by Georg Friedrich Knapp [Abridged ed.]. - Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1973
443 Tracts on our present money system and national bankruptcy : comprising strictures on the price and trade of corn / by Peter Richard Hoare New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
444 A treatise on currency & banking / by Condy Raguet New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
445 Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency : with the addition of further reflections on the state of the currency / by Lord Overstone Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
446 An historical inquiry into the production, and consumption of the precious metals. Vol. 1-2 / by William Jacob v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
447 A history of the precious metals / by Alexander Del Mar New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
448 Chronicon-preciosum, or, An account of English gold and silver money : the price of corn and other commodities and of stipends, salaries, wages, jointures, portions, day-labour, &c. in England for six hundred years last past / by Bishop Fleetwood New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
449 Fractional money : a history of the small coins and fractional paper currency of the United States / by Neil Carothers New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
450 A short history of paper money and banking in the United States : to which is prefixed an inquiry into the principles of the system / by William M. Gouge ; with an introductory essay "William M. Gouge and the formation of orthodox American monetary policy" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
451 Currency and banking in the province of the Massachusetts Bay. Vol. 1-2 / by Andrew McFarland Davis v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
452 The control of wages / by Walton Hamilton and Stacy May New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
453 Trade unionism and labor problems : second series / edited, with an introduction by John R. Commons New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
454 Scientific management and labor / by Robert Franklin Hoxie New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
455 Thirty years of labor, 1859-1889 / Terence V. Powderly New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
456 The writings of William Paterson : founder of the Bank of England / edited by Saxe Bannister v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
457 Money / translated from the German of Karl Helfferich by Louis Infield ; and edited, with an introduction by T.E. Gregory New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
458 The history of the commercial crisis, 1857-1858 : and the stock exchange panic of 1859 / by D. Morier Evans New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
459 The Lessons of monetary experience : essays in honor of Irving Fisher / edited by Arthur D. Gayer New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
460 A history of modern banks of issue / by Charles A. Conant 6th ed., with two new chapters bringing the record of banks of issue down to 1926 / by Marcus Nadler. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
461 The quantity theory of money : a critical study of its historical development and interpretation and a restatement / Hugo Hegeland New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
462 Jay Cooke : financier of the Civil War / by Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
463 Principles of public finance / by Hugh Dalton 4th ed., rev. and reset. - New York : A. M. Kelley , 1954
464 Essays on banking / by Mathew Carey ; with a selection of his other writings on banking and an introduction by Herman E. Krooss Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
465 Legislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States, including the original Bank of North America / compiled by M.St. Clair Clarke & D.A. Hall New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
466 State banks and trust companies, since the passage of the National-bank act / by George E. Barnett New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
467 The use of credit instruments in payments in the United States / by David Kinley New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
468 The war on the Bank of the United States / Thomas Francis Gordon New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
469 Trades' societies and strikes : report of the Committee on Trades' Societies New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
470 Birthright in land : an essay on the right of property in land / by William Ogilvie New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
471 Considerations on commerce, bullion & coins, circulation, and exchanges / by George Chalmers New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
472 An essay on some general principles of political economy, on taxes upon raw produce, and on commutation of tithes / by Edward Rogers Fairfield, N.J. : Augustus M. Kelley , 1976
473 Speculative notes and notes on speculation : ideal and real / by D. Morier Evans New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
474 The pure theory of foreign trade ; The pure theory of domestic values / by Alfred Marshall Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1974
475 The unity of law : as exhibited in the relations of physical, social, mental & moral science / by Henry C. Carey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
476 Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted public debts / by Alexander Trotter New York : A. M. Kelley , 1968
477 The funding system of the United States & of Great Britain / by Jonathan Elliot New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
478 Frederick W. Taylor : father of scientific management. Vol. 1-2 / by Frank Barkley Copley v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
479 Studies in the theory of international trade / by Jacob Viner Clifton [N.J.] : A.M. Kelley , 1975
480 Modern industry and the African : an enquiry into the effect of the copper mines of Central Africa upon native society and the work of the Cristian missions / by J. Merle Davis 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
481 Other people's money and how the bankers use it / by Louis D. Brandeis Fairfield, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1986
482 The growth of philosophic radicalism / by Elie Halévy New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
483 A system of moral philsophy. Vol. 1-2 / by Francis Hutcheson v. 1-2. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
484 Three essays on the state of economic science / Tjalling C. Koopmans Fairfield, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1991
485 The history of trade unionism / by Sidney & Beatrice Webb New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
486 The miners in crisis and war : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, from 1930 onwards / by R. Page Arnot New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
487 A history of taxation and taxes in England. Vol. 1-4 / Stephen Dowell ; with a new introduction by A.R. Ilersic v. 1 - v. 4. - 3rd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
488 Babeuf's conspiracy for equality / by Philippe Buonarroti ; translated by Bronterre O'Brien New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
489 A sociological view of sovereignty / by John R. Commons ; with an introductory essay "John R. Common's general theory of institutions" by Joseph Dorfman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
490 Essays on political economy, or, The most certain mean of promoting the wealth, power, resources and happiness of states applied particularly to the United States / by Matthew Carey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
491 The literature of political economy : a classified catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science with historical, critical, and biographical notices / by John R. McCulloch New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
492 Popular political economy / by Thomas Hodgskin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
493 Theories of welfare economics / by Hla Myint New York : Published for London School of Economics and Political Science [by] A.M. Kelley , 1965
494 Income, employment, and the price level : notes on lectures given at the University of Chicago, autumn, 1948 and 1949 / by Jocob Marschak ; edited and with a preface by David I. Fand and Harry Markowitz New York : A.M. Kelley , 1951
495 The scope and method of political economy / by John Neville Keynes 4th ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
496 Capital and interest : a critical history of economical theory / by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk ; translated with a preface and analysis by William Smart New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
497 Labour defended against the claims of capital, or, The unproductiveness of capital proved with reference to the present combinations amongst journeymen / Thomas Hodgskin ; with an introduction by G.D.H. Cole New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
498 Adam Smith and modern sociology : a study in the methodology of the social sciences / by Albion W. Small Clifton. N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
499 Selected papers on economic theory / Knut Wicksell ; edited with an introduction by Erik Lindahl New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
500 Value and distribution : a critical and constructive study / by Herbert Joseph Davenport New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
501 The instinct of workmanship and the state of the industrial arts / by Thorstein Veblen New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
502 Essays in political economy / by John E. Cairnes 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
503 Wages and capital : an examination of the wages fund doctrine / by F.W. Taussig New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
504 The industrial resources, statistics, &c. of the United States. Vol. 1-3 / by J.D.B. DeBow v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
505 First essay on population, 1798 / Thomas Robert Malthus ; with notes by James Bonar New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
506 Population problems of the age of Malthus / G. Talbot Griffith New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
507 The economics of enterprise / by Herbert J. Davenport New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
508 An eighteenth-century industrialist : Peter Stubs of Warrington, 1756-1806 / by T.S. Ashton New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
509 On the regulation of currencies : being an examination of the principles on which it is proposed to restrict, within certain limits, the future issues on credit of the Bank of England and of the other banking establishments throughout the country / by John Fullarton 2nd ed. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
510 Good and bad trade : an inquiry into the causes of trade fluctuations / by R.G. Hawtrey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1962
511 Agricultural depression and farm relief in England, 1813-1852 / Leonard P. Adams New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
512 The harmony of interests : agricultural, manufacturing & commercial / by Henry C. Carey New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
513 River navigation in England, 1600-1750 / by T.S. Willan New York : A.M. Kelley , 1965
514 The early trading companies of New France : a contribution to the history of commerce and discovery in North America / by Henry Percival Biggar Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
515 The King's customs. Vol. 1-2 / by Henry Atton, Henry Hurst Holland ; with a preface by F.S. Parry v. 1,v. 2. - New York : A.M. Kelly , 1967
516 A short history of the steam engine / H.W. Dickinson ; with a new introduction by A.E. Musson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
517 On the economy of machinery and manufactures / by Charles Babbage 4th ed., enl. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1963
518 The moral and physical condition of the working classes employed in the cotton manufacture in Manchester / by James Phillips Kay-Schuttleworth New York : A.M. Kelley , 1970
519 Our coal and our coal-pits / J.R. Leifchild New York : A.M. Kelley , 1968
520 Explorations in economics : notes and essays contributed in honor of F.W. Taussig New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
521 The money supply of the American colonies before 1720 / by Curtis Putnam Nettels New York : A.M. Kelley , 1964
522 A history of American manufactures from 1608 to 1860. Vol. 1-3 / by J. Leander Bishop ; with an introduction by Louis M. Hacker v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - 3rd ed., rev. and enl. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
523 Household manufactures in the United States, 1640-1860 / by Rolla Milton Tryon New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
524 Chapters of Erie, and other essays / by Charles F. Adams, Jr. & Henry Adams New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
525 Railroad reorganization / by Stuart Daggett New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
526 History of the Union Pacific : a financial and economic survey / by Nelson Trottman New York : A.M. Kelley , 1966
527 A history of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad / by Howard D. Dozier New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
528 A statistical view of the commerce of the United States / by Timothy Pitkin New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
529 The industrial history of the United States / by Witt Bowden New York : A.M. Kelley , 1967
530 The cotton manufacturing industry of the United States / by Melvin Thomas Copeland New York : Augustus M. Kelley , 1917
531 v. 20 Rural economy in New England at the beginning of the 19th century / by Percy W. Bidwell Clifton : A.M. Kelley , 1972
532 Introduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture in the United States / Samuel Batchelder Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
533 American commerce as affected by the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, 1793-1812 / by Anna C. Clauder Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972
534 The automobile industry : the coming of age of capitalism's favorite child / by E.D. Kennedy Clifton, N.J. : A.M. Kelley , 1972


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