

Rolls series

データ種別 図書
出版者 London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Reports of the Royal Commission on Manuscripts
書誌ID LT00512167


1 The chronicle of England / by John Capgrave ; edited by Francis Charles Hingeston London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
2 Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Joseph Stevenson v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
3 Lives of Edward the Confessor / edited by Henry Richards Luard London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
4 Monumenta franciscana. Vol. 1-2 / edited by J.S. Brewer v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858-1882
5 Fasciculi Zizaniorum magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico / ascribed to Thomas Netter of Walter ; edited by Walter Waddington Shirley London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
6 The buik of the croniclis of Scotland or a metrical version of the History of Hector Boece. Vol. 1-3 / by William Stewart ; edited by William B. Turnbull v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
7 Liber de illustribus Henricis / by Johannis Capgrave ; edited by Francis Charles Hingeston London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
8 Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis / by Thomas of Elmham ; edited by Charles Hardwick London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
9 Eulogium (historiarum sive temporis) : Chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad annum domini M.CCC.LXVI., a monacho quodam Malmesburiensi exaratum. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Frank Scott Haydon v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858-1863
10 Historia regis Henrici Septimi, a Bernardo Andrea tholosate conscripta / edited by James Gairdner London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
11 Memorials of Henry the Fifth, King of England / edited by Charles Augustus Cole London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1858
12 Munimenta Gildhallæ Londoniensis : Liber albus, Liber custumarum, et Liber Horn. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Henry Thomas Riley v. 1 - v. 3. - London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1859-1862
13 Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes / edited by Henry Ellis London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts , 1859
14 Political poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III. to that of Ric. III.. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Thomas Wright v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1859-1861
15 Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera quaedam hactenus inedita. Vol. 1 / edited by J.S. Brewer v. 1. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1859
16 Bartholomæi de Cotton, monachi Norwicensis, historia Anglicana, A.D. 449-1298 : necnon ejusdem Liber de archiepiscopis et episcopis Angfiæ / edited by Henry Richards Luard London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1859
17 The Chronicle of the princes / edited by John Williams London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1860
18 Royal and historical letters during the reign of Henry the Fourth, King of England and of France, and Lord of Ireland. Vol. 1-2 / edited by F.C. Hingeston v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1860-1964
19 The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy. Vol. 1-2 / by Reginald Pecock ; edited by Churchill Babington v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1860
20 Annales Cambriæ / edited by John Williams London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1860
21 Giraldi Cambrensis opera. Vol. 1-8 / edited by J.S. Brewer ... [et al.] v. 1 - v. 8. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1861-1964
22 Letters and papers illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Joseph Stevenson v. 1,V. 2,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1861-1864
23 The Anglo-Saxon chronicle, according to the several original authorities. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Benjamin Thorpe v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longmann, & Roberts , 1861
24 Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII.. Vol. 1-2 / edited by James Gairdner v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1861-1863
25 Roberti Grosseteste episcopi quondam Lincolniensis epistolæ / edited by Henry Richards Luard London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1861
26 Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of reign of Henry VII.. Vol. 1-3 / by Thomas Duffus Hardy v. 1. pt. 1 - v. 3. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1862-1871
27 Royal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III. from the originals in the Public Record Office. Vol. 1-2 / selected and edited by Walter Waddington Shirley v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts , 1862-1866
28 Thomæ Walsingham, quondam monachi S. Albani, Historia Anglicana. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Henry Thomas Riley v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863-1864
29 Willelmi Rishanger, quondam monachi S. Albani, et quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico Tertio et Edwardo Primo / edited by Henry Thomas Riley London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1865
30 Johannis de Trokelowe, et Henrici de Blaneforde, monachorum, S. Albani, necnon quorundam anonymorum, Chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico Tertio, Edwardo Primo, Edwardo Secundo, Ricardo Secundo, et Henrico Quarto / edited by Henry Thomas Riley London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1866
31 Gesta abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem ecclesiæ præcentore, compilata. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Henry Thomas Riley v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1867-1869
32 Registra quorundam abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, qui sæculo XVmo floruere. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Henry Thomas Riley v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1872-1873
33 Ypodigma Neustriæ, a Thoma Walsingham quondam monacho Monasterii S. Albani, conscriptum / edited by Henry Thomas Riley London : Longman , 1876
34 Chronicon Abbatiæ de Evesham, ad annum 1418 / edited by William Dunn Macray London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863
35 Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum historiale de gestis regum Angliæ : from the copy in the Public Library, Cambridge. Vol. 1-2 / edited by John E.B. Mayor v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863-1869
36 Year books of the reign of King Edward the First. Years 20/21-21/22, 30/31-33/35 / edited and translated by Alfred J. Horwood Years 20/21 - Years 33/35. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863-1964
37 Year books of the reign of King Edward the Third. Years 11/12-20 / edited and translated by Luke Owen Pike, Alfred J. Horwood Years 11/12 - Years 20. pt. 2. - London : Longman , 1883-1975
38 Narrative of the expulsion of the English from Normandy, M.CCCC.XLIX.-M.CCCC.L. / edited by Joseph Stevenson London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863
39 Historia et cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriæ. Vol. 1-3 / edited by William Henry Hart v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863-1867
40 Alexandri Neckam De naturis rerum libri duo : with the poem of the same author, De laudibus divinæ sapientiæ / edited by Thomas Wright London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1863
41 Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England. Vol. 1-3 / collected and edited by Oswald Cockayne v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1864-1965
42 Annales monastici. Vol. 1-5 / edited by Henry Richards Luard v. 1 - v. 5. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1864-1869
43 Chronicles and memorials of the reign of Richard I.. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1864-1865
44 Recueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Engleterre, Albina-A.D. 688 / par Jehan de Waurin ; edited by William Hardy London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1864
45 Recueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Engleterre. [Vol. 1-4] / par Jehan de Waurin ; edtied by William Hardy ... [et al.] A.D. 1399-1422 - A.D. 1447-1471. - London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1868-1891
46 A collection of the chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain, now called England, Albina-A.D. 688 / by John de Wavrin ; translated by William Hardy London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1864
47 A collection of the chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain, now called England, A.D. 1399/A.D. 1422-A.D. 1422/A.D. 1431. [Vol. 1-2] / by John de Wavrin ; translated by William Hardy ... [et al.] A.D. 1339-1422,A.D. 1422-1431. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887-1891
48 Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden monachi Cestrensis : together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century. Vol. 1-9 / edited by Churchill Babington, Joseph Rawson Lumby v. 1 - v. 9. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1865-1886
49 Le Livere de reis de Brittanie e Le livere de reis de Engletere / edited by John Glover London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1865
50 Chronica Monasterii de Melsa : a fundatione usque ad annum 1396, auctore Thoma de Burton, abbate : accedit continuatio ad annum 1406 a monacho quodam ipsius domus. Vol. 1-3 / edited, from the autographs of the authors by Edward A. Bond v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1866-1868
51 Matthæi Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglorum : sive ut vulgo dicitur, Historia minor, item, ejusdem Abbreviatio chronicorum Angliæ. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Frederic Madden v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1866-1869
52 Liber Monasterii de Hyda : comprising a chronicle of the affairs of England, from the settlement of the Saxons to the reign of King Cnut, and a chartulary of the Abbey of Hyde, in Hampshire, A.D. 455-1023 / edited by Edward Edwards London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1866
53 Chronicum Scotorum : a chronicle of Irish affairs, from the earliest times to A.D. 1135, with a supplement, containing the events from 1141 to 1150 / edited by William M. Hennessy London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1866
54 The chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft : in French verse, from the earliest period to the death of King Edward I. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Thomas Wright v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1866-1868
55 The War of the Gædhil with the Gaill, or, The invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen : the original Irish text / edited, with translation and introduction, by James Henthorn Todd London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1867
56 Gesta regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti abbatis : the chronicle of the regins of Henry II. and Richard I. A.D. 1169-1192, known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1867
57 Munimenta academica : or, Documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford. Pt. 1-2 / by Henry Anstey Pt. 1,Pt. 2. - London : Longmans, Grenn, Reader, & Dyer , 1868
58 Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene. Vol. 1-4 / edited by William Stubbs v. 1 - v. 4. - London : Longman, Green, Reader, & Dyer , 1868-1871
59 Willelmi Malmesbiriensis monachi De gestis pontificum Anglorum libri quinque / edited from the autograph manuscript by N.E.S.A. Hamilton London : Longman , 1870
60 Historic and municipal documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320 : from the archives of the City of Dublin, etc. / edited by J.T. Gilbert London : Longmans, Green , 1870
61 The annals of Loch Cé : a chronicle of Irish affairs from A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William M. Hennessy v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1871
62 The Black book of the Admiralty : with an appendix. Vol. 1-4 / edited by Travers Twiss v. 1 - v. 4. - London : Longman , 1874-1965
63 Official correspondence of Thomas Bekynton : secretary to King Henry VI., and bishop of Bath and Wells. Vol. 1-2 / edited by George Williams v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1872
64 Matthæi Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora. Vol. 1-7 / edited by Henry Richards Luard v. 1 - v. 7. - London : Longman , 1872-1883
65 The historical collections of Walter of Coventry. Vol. 1-2 / edited from the MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1872-1873
66 The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century. Vol. 1-2 / collected and edited by Thomas Wright v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1872
67 Materials for a history of the reign of Henry VII : from original documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Campbell v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1873-1877
68 Historical papers and letters from the Northern registers / edited by James Raine London : Longman , 1873
69 Registrum Palatinum dunelmense : the register of Richard de Kellawe, lord Palatine and bishop of Durham, 1311-1316. Vol. 1-4 / edited by Thomas Duffus Hardy v. 1 - v. 4. - London : Longman , 1873-1878
70 Memorials of Saint Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury / edited by William Stubbs London : Longman , 1874
71 Chronicon Angliæ : ab anno domini 1328 usque ad annum 1388 / auctore Monacho quodam Sancti Albani ; edited by Edward Maunde Thompson London : Longman , 1874
72 Thómas saga erkibyskups : a life of Archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic, with English translation, notes and glossary. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Eirikr Magnússon v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1875-1883
73 Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum / edited by Josephus Stevenson London : Longman , 1875
74 Materials for the history of Thomas Becket : archbishop of Canterbury, canonized by Pope Alexander III., A.D. 1173. Vol. 1-7 / edited by James Craigie Robertson v. 1 - v. 7. - London : Longman , 1875-1885
75 Radulfi de Diceto decani Lundoniensis opera historica : the historical works of Master Ralph de Diceto, dean of London. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1876
76 A roll of the proceedings of the King's council in Ireland : for a portion of the sixteenth year of the reign of Richard the Second, A.D. 1392-1393, with an appendix / edited by James Graves London : Longman , 1877
77 Henrici de Bracton De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ, libri quinque : in varios tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissimorum codicum collationem typis vulgati. Vol. 1-6 / edited by Travers Twiss v. 1 - v. 6. - London : Longman , 1881-1964
78 The Historians of the Church of York and its archbishops. Vol. 1-3 / edited by James Raine v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman , 1879-1894
79 Registrum Malmesburiense : the register of Malmesburg Abbey, preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. 1-2 / edited by J.S. Brewer v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1879-1880
80 The historical works of Gervase of Canterbury. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : Kraus Reprint , 1965
81 Henrici archidiaconi Huntendunensis Historia Anglorum : the history of the English, by Henry, archdeacon of Huntingdon, from A.C. 55 to A.D. 1154, in eight books / edited by Thomas Arnold London : Longman , 1879
82 Symeonis monachi opera omnia. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Thomas Arnold v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1882-1885
83 Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I. and Edward II.. Vol. 1-2 / edited by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1882-1883
84 Registrum epistolarum fratris Johannis Peckham, archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Charles Trice Martin v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman , 1882-1885
85 Vetus registrum Sarisberiense alias dictum Registrum S. Osmundi espicopi : the register of S. Osmund. Vol. 1-2 / edited by W.H. Rich Jones v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1883-1884
86 Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia. Vol. 1-3 / edited by William Henry Hart, Ponsonby A. Lyons v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman , 1884-1893
87 Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin : with the Register of its house at Dunbrody, and Annals of Ireland. Vol. 1-2 / edited by John T. Gilbert v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longman , 1884
88 Eadmeri Historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de Vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam miraculis ejus / edited by Martin Rule London : Longman , 1884
89 Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II. and Richard I.. Vol. 1-4 / edited by Richard Howlett v. 1 - v. 4. - London : Longman , 1884-1889
90 Chronicon Abbatiæ Rameseiensis : a sæc. X. usque ad an. circiter 1200, in quatuor partibus / edited by William Dunn Macray London : Longman , 1886
91 The flowers of history. Vol. 1-3 / by Roger de Wendover ; edited from the original manuscripts by Henry G. Hewlett v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Longman , 1886-1889
92 The letter books of the Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury. Vol. 1-3 / edited by J. Brigstocke Sheppard v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887-1889
93 The metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester. Pt. 1-2 / edited by William Aldis Wright pt. 1,pt. 2. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887
94 The story of England by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338. Pt. 1-2 / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall pt. 1,pt. 2. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887
95 The tripartite life of Patrick : with other documents relating to that Saint. Pt. 1-2 / edited by Whitley Stokes pt. 1,pt. 2. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887
96 Willelmi Malmesbiriensis monachi De gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque. Historiæ novellæ libri tres. Vol. 1-2 / edited from manuscript by William Stubbs v. 1,v. 2. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887-1889
97 Lestorie des Engles solum la translacion Maistre Geffrei Gaimar. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Thomas Duffus Hardy, Charles Trice Martin v. 1,v. 2. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1888-1889
98 Chronicon Henrici Knighton, vel Cnitthon, monachi Leycestrensis. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Joseph Rawson Lumby v. 1,v. 2. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1889-1895
99 Adæ Murimuth Continuatio chronicarum : Robertus de Avesbury De gestis mirabilibus regis Edwardi Tertii / edited by Edward Maund Thompson London : H.M.S.O. , 1889
100 Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin / edited by John T. Gilbert London : H.M.S.O. , 1889
101 Flores historiarum. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Henry Richards Luard v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1890
102 Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. Vol. 1-3 / edited by Thomas Arnold v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1890-1967
103 Charters and documents illustrating the history of the cathedral, city, and diocese of Salisbury in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / selected by W. Rich Jones ; edited by W. Dunn Macray London : H.M.S.O. , 1891
104 Records of the Parliament holden at Westminster on the twenty-eighth day of February, in the thirty-third year of the reign of King Edward the First. (A.D. 1305) / edited by Frederic William Maitland London : H.M.S.O. , 1893
105 The Red book of the Exchequer. Pt. 1-3 / edited by Hubert Hall pt. 1,pt. 2,pt. 3. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1896
106 Historical introductions to the Rolls series / by William Stubbs ; collected by Arthur Hassall New York : Haskell House , 1968
107 Icelandic sagas : and other historical documents relating to the settlements and descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Vol. 1-4 / edited by Gudbrand Vigfusson v. 1 - v. 4. - London : H.M.S.O. , 1887-1894
108 Annales monasterri S. Albani, a Johanne Amundesham monacho, ut videtur, conscripti, A.D. 1421-1440 : quibus praefigitur Chronicon rerum gestarum in Monasterio S. Albani, A.D. 1422-1431, a quodam auctore ignoto compilatum. Vol. 1-2 / edited by Henry Thomas Riley v. 1,v. 2. - London : Longmans, Green , 1870-1871
109 Magna vita S. Hugonis episcopi Lincolniensis : from manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Imperial Library, Paris / edited by James F. Dimock London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green , 1864


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