


データ種別 図書
出版者 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
書誌ID LT00485150


1 A Social portrait of Europe Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1991
2 Facts through figures : a statistical portrait of the European Community in the European economic area Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , [1992?]
3 theme 6 . External trade External and intra-European Union trade : statistical yearbook 1958-2000. - 2001 ed.. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 2001
4 Theme 1 . General statistics. Series A . Yearbooks Basic statistics of the Community : comparison with some European countries, Canada, the USA, Japan and the USSR 28th ed. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1991
5 Theme 1 . General statistics. Series A . Yearbooks Europe in figures 3rd ed. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1992
6 Theme 1 . General statistics. Series C . Accounts, surveys and statistics Regiones = Regions : participatión financiera de la Comunidad en las inversiones 1987 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1990
7 Theme 2 . Economy and finance. Series C . Accounts, surveys and statistics National accounts ESA = Volkswirtschaftliche gesamtrechnungen ESVG. Vol. 1-3 v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes , 1992
8 Theme 3 . Population and social conditions. Series C . Accounts, surveys and statistics Bevölkerungsstatistik = Demographic statistics. 1991 1991. - Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes , 1991
9 Theme 4 . Energy and industry. Series C . Accounts, surveys and statistics Vergleich zwischen den Energiedaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, der Vereinigten Staaten und Japans für das Jahr 1988 = Comparison between energy data of the European Commuinity, the United States and Japan for the year 1988 Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes , 1991
10 Theme 5 . Agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Series C . Accounts, surveys and statistics Agricultural prices, 1980-1989 = Prix agricoles, 1979-1988 : price indices and absolute prices Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes , 1990
11 Theme 5 . Agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Series C . Accounts, surveys and statistics Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung, 1984-1989 = Economic accounts for agriculture and forestry, 1984-1989 Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes , 1991
12 Theme 5 . Agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Series D . Studies and analyses Agricultural income, 1990 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1991
13 Theme 6 . Foreign trade. Series E . Methods External trade statistics : user's guide 3rd ed. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1990
14 1A Basic statistics of the European Union : comparison with the principal partners of the European Union 33rd ed. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 1997


本文言語 英語
NCID BA04329329