

Cambridge studies in social and cultural anthropology / general editor, Jack Goody

データ種別 図書
出版者 Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press
別書名 その他のタイトル:Cambridge studies in social anthropology
著者標目 Goody, Jack
書誌ID LT00473912


1 no. 1 The political organization of Unyamwezi / by R.G. Abrahams Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1967
2 no. 2 Buddhism and the spirit cults in north-east Thailand / S.J. Tambiah Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1970
3 no. 3 Kalahari village politics : an African democracy / Adam Kuper Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1970
4 no. 4 The rope of moka : big-men and ceremonial exchange in Mount Hagen, New Guinea / Andrew Strathern Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1971
5 no. 5 The Majangir : ecology and society of a southwest Ethiopian people / Jack Stauder Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1971
6 no. 6 Buddhist monk, Buddhist layman : a study of urban monastic organization in central Thailand / by Jane Bunnag Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1973
7 no. 7 Contexts of kinship : an essay in the family sociology of the Gonja of Northern Ghana / Esther N. Goody Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1973
8 no. 9 Elite politics in rural India : political stratification and political alliances in Western Maharashtra / Anthony T. Carter Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1974
9 no. 10 Women and property in Morocco : their changing relation to the process of social stratification in the Middle Atlas / Vanessa Maher Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1974
10 no. 11 Rethinking symbolism / Dan Sperber ; translated by Alice L. Morton Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c1975
11 no. 12 Resources and population : a study of the Gurungs of Nepal / Alan Macfarlane Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c1976
12 no. 13 Mediterranean family structures / edited by J.G. Péristiany Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1976
13 no. 14 Spirits of protest : spirit-mediums and the articulation of consensus among the Zezuru of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) / Peter Fry Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c1976
14 no. 15 World conqueror and world renouncer : a study of Buddhism and polity in Thailand against a historical background / S.J. Tambiah Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1976
15 no. 16 Outline of a theory of practice / Pierre Bourdieu ; translated by Richard Nice Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1977
16 no. 17 Production and reproduction : a comparative study of the domestic domain / Jack Goody Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1976
17 no. 18 Perspectives in Marxist anthropology / Maurice Godelier ; translated by Robert Brain Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1977
18 no. 19 The fate of Shechem, or, The politics of sex : essays in the anthropology of the Mediterranean / Julian Pitt-Rivers Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1977
19 no. 20 People of the zongo : the transformation of ethnic identities in Ghana / Enid Schildkrout Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1978
20 no. 21 Casting out anger : religion among the Taita of Kenya / Grace Gredys Harris Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1978
21 no. 22 Rituals of the Kandyan state / H.L. Seneviratne Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1978
22 no. 23 Australian kin classification / Harold W. Scheffler Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1978
23 no. 24 The palm and the Pleiades : initiation and cosmology in northwest Amazonia / Stephen Hugh-Jones Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1979
24 no. 25 Nomads of South Siberia : the pastoral economies of Tuva / Sevyan Vainshtein ; edited with an introduction by Caroline Humphrey ; translated by Michael Colenso Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
25 no. 26 From the Milk River : spatial and temporal processes in northwest Amazonia / Christine Hugh-Jones Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1979
26 no. 27 Day of shining red : an essay on understanding ritual / Gilbert Lewis Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
27 no. 28 Hunters, pastoralists, and ranchers : reindeer economies and their transformations / Tim Ingold Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
28 no. 29 The wood-carvers of Hong Kong : craft production in the world capitalist periphery / Eugene Cooper Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
29 no. 30 Minangkabau social formations : Indonesian peasants and the world-economy / Joel S. Kahn Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
30 no. 31 Patrons and partisans : a study of politics in two southern Italian comuni / Caroline White Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
31 32 Muslim society / Ernest Gellner Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1981
32 no. 33 Why marry her? : society and symbolic structures / Luc de Heusch ; translated by Janet Lloyd Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1981
33 no. 34 Chinese ritual and politics / Emily Martin Ahern Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1981
34 no. 35 Parenthood and social reproduction : fostering and occupational roles in West Africa / Esther N. Goody Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1982
35 no. 36 Dravidian kinship / Thomas R. Trautmann Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1981
36 37 The anthropological circle : symbol, function, history / Marc Augé ; translated by Martin Thom Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1982
37 no. 38 Rural society in southeast India / Kathleen Gough Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1981
38 no. 39 The fish people : linguistic exogamy and Tukanoan identity in northwest Amazonia / Jean E. Jackson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1983
39 no. 40 Karl Marx collective : economy, society, and religion in a Siberian collective farm / Caroline Humphrey Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1983
40 no. 41 Ecology and exchange in the Andes / edited by David Lehmann Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1982
41 no. 42 Traders without trade : responses to change in two Dyula communities / Robert Launay Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1982
42 no. 43 The political economy of West African agriculture / Keith Hart Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1982
43 no. 44 Nomads and the outside world / A.M. Khazanov ; translated by Julia Crookenden ; with a foreword by Ernest Gellner Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1984
44 no. 45 Actions, norms, and representations : foundations of anthropological inquiry / Ladislav Holy and Milan Stuchlik Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1983
45 no. 46 Structural models in anthropology / Per Hage, Frank Harary Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1983
46 47 Servants of the goddess : the priests of a South Indian temple / C.J. Fuller Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1984
47 no. 48 Oedipus and Job in West African religion / Meyer Fortes ; with an essay by Robin Horton Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c1983
48 no. 49 The Buddhist saints of the forest and the cult of amulets : a study in charisma, hagiography, sectarianism, and millennial Buddhism / Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1984
49 no. 50 Kinship and marriage : an anthropological perspective / Robin Fox Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1983
50 no. 51 Individual and society in Guiana : a comparative study of Amerindian social organization / Peter Rivière Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1984
51 no. 52 People and the state : an anthropology of planned development / A.F. Robertson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1984
52 no. 53 Inequality among brothers : class and kinship in South China / Rubie S. Watson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985
53 no. 53 Inequality among brothers : class and kinship in South China / Rubie S. Watson : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2007
54 no. 54 On anthropological knowledge : three essays / Dan Sperber Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c1985
55 no. 55 Tales of the Yanomami : daily life in the Venezuelan forest / Jacques Lizot ; translated by Ernest Simon Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985
56 no. 56 The making of great men : male domination and power among the New Guinea Baruya / Maurice Godelier ; translated by Rupert Swyer Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c1986
57 no. 57 Age class systems : social institutions and polities based on age / Bernardo Bernardi ; translated from the Italian by David I. Kertzer Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985
58 no. 58 Strategies and norms in a changing matrilineal society : descent, succession, and inheritance among the Toka of Zambia / Ladislav Holy Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1986
59 58 Strategies and norms in a changing matrilineal society : descent, succession, and inheritance among the Toka of Zambia / Ladislav Holy : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2006
60 no. 59 Native lords of Quito in the age of the Incas : the political economy of north Andean chiefdoms / Frank Salomon Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1986
61 no. 60 Culture and class in anthropology and history : a Newfoundland illustration / Gerald M. Sider Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1986
62 61 From blessing to violence : history and ideology in the circumcision ritual of the Merina of Madagascar / Maurice Bloch Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1986
63 no. 62 The Huli response to illness / Stephen Frankel Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1986
64 63 Social inequality in a Portuguese hamlet : land, late marriage, and bastardy, 1870-1978 / Brian Juan O'Neill Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1987
65 64 Cosmologies in the making : a generative approach to cultural variation in inner New Guinea / Fredrik Barth Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1987
66 65 Kinship and class in the West Indies : a genealogical study of Jamaica and Guyana / Raymond T. Smith Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Cambridge University Press , 1988
67 66 The making of the Basque nation / Marianne Heiberg Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1989
68 67 Out of time : history and evolution in anthropological discourse / Nicholas Thomas Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1989
69 68 Tradition as truth and communication : a cognitive description of traditional discourse / Pascal Boyer Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990
70 69 The abandoned narcotic : kava and cultural instability in Melanesia / Ron Brunton Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1989
71 70 The anthropology of numbers / Thomas Crump Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990
72 71 Stealing people's names : history and politics in a Sepik River cosmology / Simon J. Harrison Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990
73 72 The Bedouin of Cyrenaica : studies in personal and corporate power / Emrys L. Peters Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990
74 73 Property, production, and family in Neckarhausen, 1700-1870 / David Warren Sabean Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990
75 74 Fifteen generations of Bretons : kinship and society in Lower Brittany, 1720-1980 / Martine Segalen Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
76 74 Bartered brides : politics, gender and marriage in an Afghan tribal society / Nancy Tapper Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
77 76 Honor and grace in anthropology / edited by J.G. Peristiany and Julian Pitt-Rivers Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
78 77 The making of the modern Greek family : marriage and exchange in nineteenth-century Athens / Paul Sant Cassia with Constantina Bada Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
79 78 Religion and custom in a Muslim society : the Berti of Sudan / Ladislav Holý Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
80 78 Religion and custom in a Muslim society : the Berti of Sudan / Ladislav Holy : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2006
81 79 Quiet days in Burgundy : s study of local politics / Marc Abélès ; translated from the French by Annella McDermott Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
82 80 Sacred void : spatial images of work and ritual among the Giriama of Kenya / David Parkin Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
83 81 A place of their own : family farming in eastern Finland / Ray Abrahams Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
84 82 Power, prayer and production : the Jola of Casamance, Senegal / Olga F. Linares Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
85 83 Identity through history : living stories in a Solomon Islands society / Geoffrey M. White Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
86 84 Monk, householder, and Tantric priest : Newar Buddhism and its hierarchy of ritual / David N. Gellner Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
87 85 Hunters and herders of Southern Africa : a comparative ethnography of the Khoisan peoples / Alan Barnard Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
88 86 Belonging in the two Berlins : kin, state, nation / John Borneman Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
89 87 Power and religiosity in a post-colonial setting : Sinhala Catholics in contemporary Sri Lanka / R.L. Stirrat Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1992
90 88 Dialogues with the dead : the discussion of mortality among the Sora of eastern India / Piers Vitebsky Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1993
91 89 South coast New Guinea cultures : history, comparison, dialectic / Bruce M. Knauft Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1993
92 90 Pathology and identity : the work of Mother Earth in Trinidad / Roland Littlewood Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1993
93 91 The cultural relations of classification : an analysis of Nuaulu animal categories from central Seram / Roy Ellen Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1993
94 91 The cultural relations of classification : an analysis of Nuaulu animal categories from central Seram / Roy Ellen : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2006
95 92 Cinema and the urban poor in South India / Sara Dickey Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1993
96 93 In the society of nature : a native ecology in Amazonia / Philippe Descola ; translated from the French by Nora Scott Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994
97 94 Spirit possession and personhood among the Kel Ewey Tuareg / Susan J. Rasmussen Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
98 95 People of the sea : identity and descent among the Vezo of Madagascar / Rita Astuti Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
99 96 Social reproduction and history in Melanesia : mortuary ritual, gift exchange, and custom in the Tanga Islands / Robert J. Foster Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
100 97 The roads of Chinese childhood : learning and identification in Angang / Charles Stafford Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
101 Education and identity in rural France : the politics of schooling / Deborah Reed-Danahay Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
102 99 The architecture of memory : a Jewish-Muslim household in colonial Algeria, 1937-1962 / Joëlle Bahloul ; translated from the French by Catherine du Peloux Ménagé Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
103 100 Contesting culture : discourses of identity in multi-ethnic London / Gerd Baumann Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
104 101 Tradition and modernity in the mediterranean : the wedding as symbolic struggle / Vassos Argyrou New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
105 102 Mass culture and modernism in Egypt / Walter Armbrust Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
106 103 The little Czech and the great Czech nation : national identity and the post-communist transformation of society / Ladislav Holy New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
107 104 Managing existence in Naples : morality, action and structure / Italo Pardo Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
108 105 Overlooking Nazareth : the ethnography of exclusion in Galilee / Dan Rabinowitz Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997
109 106 Mangrove man : dialogics of culture in the Sepik estuary / David Lipset New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
110 107 The new racism in Europe : a Sicilian ethnography / Jeffrey Cole New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
111 108 The trading crowd : an ethnography of the Shanghai stock market / Ellen Hertz Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998
112 109 Power and intimacy in the Christian Philippines / Fenella Cannell Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1999
113 110 Ritual and religion in the making of humanity / Roy A. Rappaport Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1999
114 111 Varieties of Javanese religion : an anthropological account / Andrew Beatty Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1999


本文言語 英語
NCID BA11003401
